Wednesday, 3 April 2013


(1) Folder which are lock, sometimes it is hidden by that software. So first you check the option of show hide files  option in folder option of organise.
(2)Now you can see lock file..when u try to open will not open. now right click on folder and add to   "folder name”.rar. I mean if ur folder name is lock,  then  right  click on lock and click to add “ lock”.rar
(3)now all thing is done. Open ur compressed folder, it will open. If it will not open. Then go on subfolder & do it again.

If this thing is not work, then i am sorry. Keep google itJ


Steganography is an art of writing hidden messages so that no one can suspect the existence of the message. The meaning of Steganography is Concealed Writing and that is what we are going to do. We are going to learn that how to write hidden text in Microsoft Windows text editor Notepad. We should learn this technique so that we can easily hide our personal information in computer without any password protecting tools which are paid tools yes we have to pay to use those tools to protect our text data from unauthorized users. So below I have described with screen shots that how to hide text data in Notepad.
How to Hide Text in Notepad?
It is very easy, we just have to do few steps to hide our text in Notepad. So let’s start this tutorial.
1. First thing you need to do is open Command Prompt from your Windows. I hope you know how to open it.
2. Then you have to go to your desired location by typing like this if you want to go to another drive then type in D: and press enter then if you want to change directory in this drive then type cd directory/directory change directory/directory with your directory names. Hope you get your desired location in Command Prompt.
3. Now type in cmd notepad filename.txt:hidden and press enter, it will open a pop-up to ask you to create this file just press Yes then you will see a Notepad file where you can type anything and save it.

It will make a file with name filename.txt in the drive you are using in Command Prompt. Now try to open that file from your drive, you will see that there will not be any text but we typed in when we created it first time. Now the question is how to see our hidden text, it is very easy and simple just do the same steps we did yes I am right first you have to open Command Prompt then type your drive then go to the location where the file is saved then type innotepad filename.txt:hidden to open the hidden text, if you want to save it then type something new and save this file from file menu and remember you can type any name instead of filename.txt I just used it for this tutorial. Click on the screen shot below to see clearly.

How to enable Right Click

Why Right Click is Disable?

Right clicking your mouse can be very useful when surfing the web. It allows you to save images on webpages to your hard disk, to view source of a particular webpage, to download background music from a blog (when website code isn't complicated), and much more.
Now days, many websites and blogs doesn't allow you to right click on thier websites. I studied HTML and basic web designing, so I like to look at webpages' HTML codes when I find a new interesting website. And it makes me angry to find out that I can't right click. But as you know, there is always a way to get around something.

Just follow this Step.

Go to your browser`s options & disable java script. And reload your site. Now you can right click in website and blog.


Restricting Users from using Log off button

This trick can be used to restrict users from logging off the computer.
Follow the steps described below-
1. Launch Windows Registry Editor (regedit.exe)
2. Search the following key-

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\
3. In the right pane create a new DWORD value named StartMenuLogOff.
4. Change its value to 1 to put restriction on logging off the computer whereas data value 0 can be used to remove the restrictions.

Preventing Users from using Right Click Button on Desktop

This is one of the most frustrating prank for the person on whom you are playing this trick and I mean it because I have been the victim of this trick earlier when I was new to Windows Registry Hacking and didn'tt knew much more about it.
Follow the steps given below to perform the trick-

1. Open Windows Registry Editor (Regedit.exe)
2. Navigate to the following key-

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\
3. Create a new DWORD value named NoWinKeys.
4. Change its data value to 1 to disable right click whereas data value 0 will enable the right click.

Create your own Sleep button in Windows XP.

If you are a lazy kind of a person (just like me) and you think the Sleep button on your Windows XP machine in an inconvenient location for regular use? If you think yes follow the steps below to make your own.
Now a Days, Many computers or keyboards have a  Sleep button, which when pressed puts the computer
into either Stand By or Hibernate mode depending on how Windows XP’s Power Options are
configured. However, the Sleep button might not be in convenient location for regular use. For example, it might be on the front of a mid-tower
case that’s under your desk. You could activate Stand By or Hibernate mode from the Shut Down Windows dialog box. An alternative to this
method is to create your own Sleep button by creating a shortcut on your
desktop. Here’s how.
1. Right-click on the desktop.
2. Select New | Shortcut.
3. Type rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState in the text box.
4. Click Next.
5. Type Sleep in the text box and click Finish.
Now when you click the Sleep icon, Windows XP will put the computer into either Stand By
or Hibernate mode depending on how the When I Press The Sleep Button On My Computer
setting is configured on the Advanced tab of the Power Options Properties dialog box.


All these methods are based on bad admin configurations, but still are quite common
If you want to find real I.P. address of website, which is hidden by CLOUDFLARE. It has came to my attention that many booters, hosts, malicious websites, and more use CloudFlare for DDoS Protection & Anti-Abuse Report Protection. With CloudFlare protection, it is difficult to get the hosts IP; therefore, it is difficult to send an abuse report or launch a (D)DoS attack. This simple guide will help you obtain any website protected by CloudFlare's real IP, which can be used for whatever you desire! 


If you simply ping the domain , it will give i.p. which is not website`s real i.p. address. you should try following option to get real I.P. address of domain.


For a Long Aged Domain you can use netcraft toolbar to check real ip
For Example
Clearly We can see change in IP to a cloudflare one.


You can try bruteforcing DNS , some subdomain will have real IP of website.
For this purpose you need NMAP tools.
Open your terminal with root privellege & type following code
# nmap -sV -sS -F <target>
it will scan host & give results , it`s not give real i.p. of website.(but from this you can know weather website is protected by CLOUDFLARE or not)
Now type following code in terminal
# nmap --script dns-brute -sn <target>

it will give you real I.P. of website. Hope you enjoy!
If you face any problem mention in comment.